VHF Portable Operation 2003 January VHF Contest
My equipment consisted of a Yaesu FT-817 All-mode QRP transceiver used on 50 MHz, 144 MHz and 432 MHz. The antenna for 50 MHz was a dipole strung between the trees. I used an Arrow Dual-band Yagi antenna for 144 MHz and 432 MHz, mounted on a camera tripod. The tripod allowed the antenna to rotate 90 degrees so that the antenna polarization could be changed from vertical to horizontal.
The photo above shows the FT-817, my paper log book and a Kenwood TH-79A dualband HT for making FM contacts. I entered the contest as Single Operator Portable and will probably win the category for Colorado and maybe the Rocky Mountain Division (but only because no one else was crazy enough to operate outdoors in January!) Actually, the weather was sunny and mild all afternoon. 2002 June VHF Contest KØNR