Colorado QSO Party Results

colorado-flagThe results of the Colorado QSO Party have been posted on the PPRAA web site. I had previously written about this, but I never got around to posting my score after the contest.

Here’s the email I sent to the various club email lists:

The CO QSO Party succeeded in getting me back on the HF bands. I operated from our cabin in Park County with 100 Watts to a half-size G5RV in the trees. I also had 50W to a 2M yagi (2M9) antenna. Only worked WA7KYM in Wyoming on 2M SSB and he was not working the contest. I did pick up a few contacts on 2M FM, which was fun. All contacts were on phone.

I spent a considerable amount of time on 40M but it did not yield much. The exchange of “name” was quite natural on phone and added to the laid back flavor of a state QSO party. All in all, a very fun time.

At times, there were 4 contests running near 14.250 MHz: CoQP, Hiram 140, All Asean DX and another one I did not identify. Lots of “CQ Contest” and lots of confusion 🙂

Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec   Mul
   7       3      6    1    1
   7       1      2    1    0
  14      70    152   31    0
 144       5     10    3    1
 144       1      2    1    0
 420       1      2    0    0
Total      81    174   37   2
Score: 6,786

I placed 3rd in the In-State Low Power Phone – Single Operator category, behind Dan W0RO and Brian N5ZGT. A highlight during the contest was working my good friend Denny KB9DPF in Fort Wayne on 20 Meters. It has been years since we had made contact on the HF bands.

Thanks to the Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association for sponsoring this contest.

  • 73, Bob K0NR