Today, I had the privilege of presenting the Technical Service Award (ARRL Colorado Section) to the 285 TechConnect Radio Club. I have to tell you…this club is an excellent example of how to advance the hobby of ham radio. They have figured out that providing technical education is a great way to attract members and assist the local amateur radio community.
Here’s a photo of me handing Bill N0CU, club president, the award:

At the meeting, Bill also did an excellent presentation on grounding issues in amateur radio stations. This is a complicated topic that Bill handled very well.

Here’s the announcement of the award:
We are pleased to announce that the 2010 Technical Service Award from the ARRL Colorado Section has been awarded to the 285 TechConnect Radio Club ( ). In past years, this award has been presented to individuals that have provided exceptional technical service to the amateur radio community. This year the award goes to the entire TechConnect club for their collective contribution to the Colorado amateur radio community. In particular, the club sponsored the all day “2010 Fall TechFest”, with a great line up of technical and operating presentations ( ). The club also sponsors the TechNet that meets at 7 PM local on Tuesday nights on the Colorado Repeater Association 147.225 MHz repeater. These activities have made an important contribution to technical education in the Colorado section.
Our thanks and congratulations goes to the entire club with special thanks to Steve Finch, AI0W, Technical Specialist, Colorado Section for his personal leadership and contribution to this effort.
Jeff Ryan, K0RM
Section Manager, ARRL Colorado Section Witte, K0NR
Technical Coordinator, ARRL Colorado Section
I’ve been threatening to do something like that here in Southeast Michigan for a long time. Maybe this post will spur me on to actually get something organized here in Michigan.
One thought just occurred to me. We have what we call a “Mini Maker Faire” here in Ann Arbor every June ( I should be able to come up with one or two ham radio presentations for this Faire.
73, Dan KB6NU
I think the format for TechFest has proven to be very effective. Basically a one day event with about 6 different presentations. The challenge is finding a venue to have the event, round up all of the speakers and work the logistics.
I am sure the TechConnect club folks can provide more details.
73, Bob K0NR
Great Post!! Thank you very much!