Recently, my SOTA Activating Partner and Spousal Unit Joyce/K0JJW racked up more than 500 activating points for Summits On The Air (SOTA). This is halfway towards the coveted Mountain Goat award, so naturally this is referred to as Half Mountain Goat. Steve/WG0AT noticed this achievement and created this certificate for her.

She has activated 108 summits in 13 different associations (including HB Switzerland). All radio contacts have been on the VHF/UHF bands. She really likes it when another woman gets on the air with her, which she calls F2F (Female-to-Female) radio contact.
Congratulations, Joyce!
73 Bob K0NR
This is great!If she gets to 1000 points will she be the first female to do so?
There are plenty of women that have achieved Mountain Goat around the world. In Colorado, Lynn/KC0YQF is the first and only female Mountain Goat, so maybe Joyce can be second.
YO6EVA was 1000 p in first year from licencee …