For our local 2m net, the Net Control Station asks a Question of the Night to stimulate some discussion. Recently, the question was:
Do you have any interest in CW. If yes, Do you currently operate CW or do you plan to learn? If you have no interest in CW, what other modes besides voice do you operate on or would like to?
I am not a huge CW fan, but I do use it from time to time, especially when it comes to squeezing out difficult contacts on VHF or UHF. However, this question had me thinking about the various modes I have operated, so I made a list:
SSB - quite often on HF, VHF, UHF CW - not nearly as often but on HF, VHF, UHF FM/PM - lots of VHF activity here, 2m FM is the Utility Mode AM - a few times, just to check it out RTTY - I used to do this often but my interest has faded PSK31 - I used to do this often but my interest has faded FT8 - this one has taken over my digital operating FT4 - a faster alternative to FT8, often better to use Q65 - I just started using this for weak-signal VHF/UHF MSK144 - for meteor scatter, but I haven't done that for a while AX.25 - VHF packet radio, including APRS DMR - the most common digital mode in Colorado D-STAR - I used D-STAR when it first came out but lost interest C4FM - Yaesu Fusion, I've used it a few times
Each one of these modes has a story behind it…often I was just looking for something new to try. (If you find yourself getting bored with ham radio, it might be time to try a new mode.)
This list also reminds me that I need to get back to chasing grids on the 2-meter band, using CW, SSB, FT8, MSK144, and Q65. I have a new tower up that I’ve not taken full advantage of for VHF/UHF.
That’s my list of modes used, what does your list look like?
73 Bob K0NR
DMR. & DMR Simplex. ysf, NXDN , 2mt 70cm. 10 Mt only been licensed about three years and to think i’m just barely skinning the surface, love amateur radio.
The great thing about amateur radio is there is always something new to explore.
Bob K0NR
I am 100% CW. Very active county hunter. Zero SSB, can’t stand the prolificate use of phonetics, more cb garbage!!
Quite a bit of FM on a (new!) local repeater and FL’s SARNET linked repeater system, some HF SSB, and quite a lot of PSK31 & Olivia, along with a few other kbd digital modes like Thor occasionally. C4FM/Fusion, occasionally, but only a few around here have it. RTTY… I keep trying, but it mostly seems to be contesting.
In the new year, I’m considering a new laptop and using that upgrade to dive into SSTV. Hiking somewhere then transmitting pictures of my campsite’s view just seems… cool.
ps: and AM a few times, just to check that box.
CW only. Many years ago spent a few minutes on 2M repeater. Never SSB. No Digi modes.
SSB on HF. I never hear anyone on AM HF.
FT8 so far only to spot POTA on HF.
Plan to re-learn CW for HF use, maybe over the winter.
DMR and analog on 2M and 70CM.