Here’s another update of
interesting important stuff spewing forth from the internet.
I put my two presentations from HamCon Colorado out on the web: Practical Amateur Radio Measurements and Mountaintop VHF in the Colorado High Country . Also, check out Kelly N0VD’s blog posting on the event.
Having trouble finding a repeater to use on VHF? Check out my Shack Talk article on
KB5WIA provides some good tips on EME operating.
Hans PD0AC addresses the question: What’s the Best Chinese Dual-band HT? For best price/performance, he selected Baofeng UV-B5/UV-B6 (and I agree).
The Noise Blankers continue to publish their Ham Hijinks. Remember: Do Not Take These Guys Seriously. Seriously. Do not do this. Seriously.
There’s lots of great ham radio events coming up this summer. This weekend is the CQ Worldwide VHF Contest, the only “true VHF contest” out there since only the 50 MHz and 144 MHz bands are used. Then there’s the Colorado 14er Event, which includes Summits On The Air (SOTA) activations, on August 4th. (Don’t forget to check out the great new Colorado 14er Shirts!) The Colorado QSO Party is another great operating event, on August 31st.
Remember: There is no such thing as ground.
Think about it: an infinitely large electrical node with zero impedance able to sink an infinite current. Not likely.
73, Bob K0NR